Siyun Zhou

I'm a PhD student at UESTC. My research interests are algorithms, nonlinear optimization and stochastic optimization. You can contact me through email

Journal Publications
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Streaming first-order optimization methods with momentum for dominant eigenspace estimation

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 2024 (to appear)

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An orthonormalization-free and inversion-free algorithm for online estimation of principal eigenspace

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research .

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Stochastic Gauss–Newton algorithms for online PCA

Journal of Scientific Computing .

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Convergence analysis of Oja’s iteration for solving online PCA with nonzero-mean samples

Science China Mathematics .

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Learning more discriminative local descriptors with parameter-free weighted attention for few-shot learning

Machine Vision and Applications .

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Document classification via nonlinear metric learning

Neural Processing Letters .

Conference Publications
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Solving systems of linear equations through zero forcing sets


Some manuscripts are available upon request.
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Boosting local feature representation via sigmoid function for few-shot classification

Submitted 2024